by Cara Carnes
Cover by: Christine Clavel
Release date November 2007
ISBN: 978-1-59632-570-8
Publisher: Loose Id
When Shana decided to fulfill her darkest fantasies, she didn't expect to find herself restrained and at the mercy of the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. All he wanted was the one thing she couldn't give him: the way she came to know of Paradise. Forced to choose between protecting her sister's identity and having the hottest sex she could ever imagine, Shana finds herself in a world she never believed existed. As passions ignite in her, Shana must choose between loyalty and duty.
Lucian, the mightiest of the warriors of Mysk, fully intends to do everything he must to get Shana to submit to his insistent demands. Suddenly he finds his duty fueled by a hunger to claim his prisoner for himself. She came to play in paradise, and he fully intends to give her more than she could have possibly imagined. As the bonds of trust and passion ignite and surround Shana and Lucian, the hardest test of all will determine their destiny. Can Shana trust herself and her warrior enough to allow herself to explore the darkest of sexual fantasies in order to remain in Paradise?
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