
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Howling Good Blog Hop

Have you checked out The Rending series yet?

Here's your chance to grab the first book of the series. Hell's Playground kicks off the Rending Series.

Book 1 - Hell's Playground -- in Under A Wolf Moon Anthology

Mira grew up in a savage tract of existence known as Hell's Highway--a parcel of land of genetically impure humans (Impures) cast out during a savage battle between humanity's government, the NAH and the Paraspecies. When a cease fire was declared, the two opposing sides retreated, regrouped, but the fight for survival had just begun for Impures forced to exist within a kill or be prey for the succubae existence.

As a runner for The Alliance, Mira had run messages and provisions back and forth between her camp and Redemption—a bartering outpost created by the Paraspecies to help Impures within Hell’s Highway. But for the past two years Mira has been a prisoner of war, detained and tortured in an unsanctioned NAH facility within the lawless lands of Hell’s Playground. Now free, she must risk her life to fulfill a promise made to a fellow prisoner—travel to Redemption and enlist the aid of the Paraspecies running the borderland trading post. Returning to the outpost, though, means reuniting with the Alpha wolf she’d once hoped to have a future with.

As Quadrant Alpha of the most dangerous section of Paraspecies land, the last thing Adrik needs is the Impure from his past suddenly returning after two years. He’d ripped apart Hell’s Highway searching for her two years ago, and his pack reaped the consequences of his shattered soul. Now, with a civil war threatening on his southern border, the constant battles with the succubae on his eastern border, and the latest command from Headquarters to assume the role of Alpha Commander, he doesn’t have time to wander around Hell’s Playground searching for a secret facility no one believes exists.

But the temptation to spend time with the Impure he’d once intended to mate proves too tempting.
Together they must heal the wounds their time apart created and find a way to survive the dangers awakened within Hell’s Playground.

Book 2 - Redemption's Forgiveness

Felicity was a child when The Rending began and she was pulled from the pack she loved by a father who reviled her existence. Surviving as an Outsider was tough but the harshest battle begins when she stumbles across a plot to overthrow her old pack’s trading post, Redemption.

Marek will do anything to protect his pack and their land, including executing any Outsiders who dare enter pack lands. Once a betrayer, always a betrayer. There’s no soft in war—until a curvaceous wolf with more sass than sense limps into Redemption with an impossible tale of betrayal.

Follow the blog hop. Click here.

Follow the Howling Good Hop!

1.Ellis Leigh2.Heather Long Author
3.The Snarkology4.Anna Lowe Books Blog
5.Brandy Walker Blog6.Lynne Stevie
7.Lashell Collins8.Author Crystal Rister
9.Michele Bardsley's Blog10.Renee George's Blah, Blah Blog
11.Kristen Strassel12.Lissa Matthews Blog
13.Elle Clouse14.Tabitha Conall
15.Shauna Aura Knight16.Author K.C. Stewart
17.Beth Caudill - Author Blog18.Lisa Carlisle
19.Sarah Makela20.Tami's Thoughts
21.P.T. Macias 22.Kate Kent
23.Skye Jones Writes24.Romance Author Amber Ella Monroe
25.Christy Gissendaner26.The Besitary Parlor
27.Shawntelle Madison28.Cara Carnes
29.Crystal Dawn Author30.Bethany Shaw Novels
31.Andrea R. Cooper 32.TF Walsh
33.Lori King34.Michelle Fox
35.Book Revue36.Sedona Venez
37.evanleas bookshelf 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Spotlight: Lea Barrymire and Coyote Bluffs

Hi, everyone! I'm thrilled to have Lea Barrymire on my blog today. Not only is she a fabulous author with a fantastic, smexy new series, but she's a wonderful friend.

Accidentally Yours is Book 1 of the Coyote Bluff series. 

What's Coyote Bluff, you ask? Well, Coyote Bluff is a small, quaint town in the mountains of Virginia. With its diner run by Mama, the police force of one and a single stop light it's much like every other small town in America. Well, until you take a closer look.

Feel free to come visit Coyote Bluff... but keep an eye on the wildlife.

Author Q&A:
Do you see writing as a career?
I do. One that I will someday be doing full time. I love writing for the outlet of emotions and creativity, but I don’t get to spend as much time as I’d like doing it. My five year plan, which I made three years ago, has me writing full time by year five. I’m still looking at that as the goal. Until then I spend my dayjob hours digging through Excel sheets and being a database queen. :)

Is there a message in your novel you hope to convey to your readers?
A message? Good question. I guess I always try to show that all of my characters, flawed or not, are redeemable and that love can truly conquer all. Oh, and that love and sex should be fun. Really, really fun.
How did you come up with the title?
LOL If I tell you that it tends to be a brainstorming session between myself and readers will you laugh? I usually need a title by the time I’m half way through writing. Sometimes it’ll just pop into my head, but other times I have no idea and I ask my author-sister Danica Avet for help.
What’s your favorite sub-genre (contemporary, sci-fi, etc.) to write? To read?
I LOVE paranormal and sci-fi. Both to read and to write. I would say paranormal tends to be my favorite to write, but only because alpha shifters are yummy.
What new stories are you working on?
I’m actually working on book 2, “Tempering Steel”, of this series. Connor and Margie and two firecrackers who can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. It should be releasing mid-November. Hopefully. :)

Okay, so let's talk about this extremely hot book, Accidentally Yours.

Cammie has had one hell of a night. Her long-time abusive boyfriend pushed her to the limits and then a freaking wolf hit her car. While clutching a bag of frozen peas to her swollen eye she manages to rescue the animal and make it home. But what’s she do with it after that?

Ian can’t believe his luck. After a stupid decision he’s been run out of every shifter territory he’s entered. Hoping Coyote Bluff would be different seems to have been his downfall. After a bunch of coyotes chase him through the night he finds himself being coddled by a tempting woman. His canine half is already in love with her.

Cammie’s ex comes calling, Ian’s found out by the local Alpha and the town seems bent on keeping them apart. Can they fight against everyone at once to find happiness together? Better question would be will Cammie accept Ian once he admits to being the wolf she so readily confided in and nursed back to health?

*sighs wistfully* This sounds SOO good. But it's even better when you read it. Trust me. It's great! Not convinced? Hmm.... how about getting a taste of the first kiss between Cammie and Ian?

“Do you want me to kiss you? Is that why you’re staring at me, Cammie?” He shifted slightly on the seat and a zing of lightning shot up her leg when his brushed hers. He breathed his next words across the small distance between them. “I want to kiss you. I want to taste you on my tongue. Will you let me do that?”

Did she want to kiss him? Yes. Should she? That was a completely different question. She knew this was a dream, accepted it as truth. If she woke with a lingering affection for her dream man she’d be a depressed pile of goo for days. Keeping her distance was probably the right thing to do, but she really, really, didn’t want to do the right thing. She wanted to climb into his lap, and dig her fingers into his hair while sucking on his lower lip. She wet her lips in anticipation and almost groaned as the tingling intensified. Screw it, live in the now.

A moment after her tiny nod she was wrapped in strong, warm arms. She hadn’t seen him move, hadn’t felt his body shift, but both must have happened for her to be on his lap, straddling his thighs. Her eyes closed and she tilted her head back in acceptance. She’d force her mind to not dwell on the kiss she was going to get. She could do that, it was her dream, right?

There's nothing like a first kiss and, yowza, this was a HOT one.

Oh! And check out this link for the entire first chapter!!!

Accidentally Yours is available now! Get your copy:


Author Bio:

Lea lives in Western New York with her hubby, three children, and miscellaneous critters. Before the rug rats, she lived a life of adventure, following her husband all over Europe with the US military. She's slept in a car outside Paris, drove six hours just to see tulips in the Netherlands, and knocked ash from her shoes at Pompeii. Now she spends her time in life's adventures at soccer games, PTA meetings and school plays.

Lea has loved reading from a very young age, spending many sleepless nights devouring books. Science fiction and paranormal were her favorite genres to read as a teenager, and that love bled into her adult life. She started writing during a bout of insomnia, to fill time, and found it filled a creative void. Now she communes regularly with the characters in her head and tries not to laugh out loud when they say something funny.

When Lea isn't reading, writing or corralling kids, she enjoys watching movies and sciencey shows, or just kicking back and listening to some music.

Twitter- @leabarrymire
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